ask me how i spent my day yesterday...
go ahead i DARE you to ask me....
the short version of the answer would be i went absolutely mad. however, i will fill you all in on the in depth detail of my most crazy day.
as usual i have been putting off going to the grocery store for days now... days! by the time lunch rolled around yesterday i could not find one thing to make. i literally mean not one thing. i had parts of things like pb&j with no bread, or buns with no hotdogs. i suppose i could have made pb&j with a hot dog bun but what kind of mother would that have made me?
so i did it! something i absolutely HATE beyond HATE to do. food shopping with three! i hate this task so much so that i purposefully plan a time where i can go without taking any of my children. but, looking at my upcoming schedule for the next couple days i realized that there would be not one free moment where i could this "duty" of mine without little feet lagging behind me. i disgracefully packed up my children and headed to our first stop.
i am in no way shape or form a "fast food" type of gal. every once in a great while i get a craving and my children luck out with me and "indulge" in the saturated fat feast. for the record they do get lovely mickey d's more often then i do only because of the fact that my husbands way of feeding his offspring when they are under his supervision is making his way through a drive through.
by the time we got out of the house yesterday it was already after noon so happy meals were about my only option. but the thought of making my way inside of one of those germ holes disgusts me terribly, so we at our so called cheeseburgers in the car.
and then we made our way to get grocery's
here is the main animosity towards grocery shopping with three. my choices are limited. i can either put nataley in the front of a cart, and let both levi and alivia walk because i need the whole back part of the cart for my food. OR i can push two carts and let levi and alivia ride in one and nataley in the front of the other.... what to choose, what to choose?
i almost always go with the second.
every thing went as smooth as hoped until about half way through when nataley decided she was done with cart riding. for the next 10-15 minuets i struggled as i held nat in one had and attempted to push two carts around the store. i got crazy looks left and right and comments like "boy you sure do have your hands full!" alivia cried out 3 or 4 times saying "mommy, WAIT you forgot me" (i would leave their cart in one spot of the isle as i quickly moved up and down it grabbing what i needed). finally one of the workers saw that i was in need of assistance and pushed one cart behind me the whole rest of the trip. which i really hate. anytime i do "everyday" stuff with my kids in hand i get a feeling of accomplishment when i'm done. i always think to myself on the drive home "i did this by myself, with no help and i'm still here... i am strong!" but after yesterdays outing i felt embarrassed and mortified.
the bag boy helped me to my car and i was off to my next stop.
i had to quickly unload all the refrigerated items so i could immediately make my way to SAMS (get all done and out of the way at once) to stock up on meats and household items. i fed nataley, and she fell asleep on the way to the store. i could tell when we got there that she was still in no mood to be messed with and decided it would be best to just hold her from the start pushing one cart along the way. i find that pulling the cart behind me to be way easier then pushing and steering with one hand. and of course i pulled that darn cart up on the back of my heal and made myself bleed.... stupid flip flops!
by the time i made it home last night it was after five. just enough time to get everything put away and make dinner. i had hoped on stopping by the produce stand, but thought it best to call my beloved and give him a list to bring home.
i wish i could say the horror of the day ended there... but, alivia puked all over my bedroom floor last night and i had to pull out my little green machine. which also ironically set my plans for today. steam cleaning my carpets! they are in dire need.
my boys are off tonight to go see the monster trucks. and alivia is sick and nasty looking today so what a perfect stress relieving thing to do..... how sad am i? i look forward to steam cleaning!
it's dare you not dear you. This is just a typo comment
delete me
you know...
i looked at the sentence like 5 times cause it didn't look right to me....
i knew that!
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