it's in organizing something like this that i am always left with the thought..."how the heck did my mother do this with seven of us?". seven kids, day in and day out! i usually loose my mind most days with three, and nataley isn't even big enough to really cause problems! i guess mom is my little ray of inspiration, just when i feel i want to run away and never come back i think about all the years of understanding and kind words that managed to still come out of my mothers mouth while dealing with the super selfish halverson clan, and every time i think it i'm left with the thought.... i shall indeed trudge on!
but seriously, our picture day was so horrible words can not possibly describe! nataley, had gone to the drs earlier and had a double ear infection, but like i once said, days when brian is available are few and far between. so when he's home we must use time wisely. krystal, our photographer is amazing! and i thought to myself if anyone can get a good photo it would be her. little did i know that levi and alivia would both be in bad, horrible non listening, non cooperative moods as well. i felt horrible, and embarrassed about the whole situation, but like always krystal was very nice and understanding (at least on the outside). brian wasn't in the greatest of moods either. i really can't say that i blame him though. he was upset at me for making us do family photos when nataley was still so sick. anyway, i once again was amazed at krystals work! she managed to get some of the best photos of levi and alivia that she has ever gotten. our family pictures however, didn't work so well. thankfully, she is able to get us in again on thursday night. and after a monday night football exchanged deal with brian, he said he will willingly, and happily try again for me..... i guess he really dose love me! :)
i can't believe there are only twenty days before christmas, and i have not even begun my christmas shopping, nor do i have my christmas cards complete! i myself have always been somewhat of a procrastinator, but i am seriously starting to feel a little pressed for time! every year i tell myself i will be an early starter, but never get around to it till it's far to late! when will i learn?
brian and i (and for the past few years my friend alyson) have always found a family to help out at christmas. i'm kinda excited about the one we chose this year because they have a little boy levi's age and a girl slightly younger then alivia. which got me thinking.... i believe that this is a great year to start and include levi and livi in on the shopping. my plan is to take them both out and let them pick a few toys that they themselves would want, which might begin to teach them the value of how blessed they are. not every parent has the means to get their children some of the many desires of their heart, and i'm afraid that my children will be just like i was as a child and take that fact for granted. i'm hoping in them picking toys out that they would want, and them not getting them i can explain (at least to levi) that he will be helping a little boy just like him and how happy he can make him. anyway, it's the plan.... but if it goes like everything else has gone this week i may be dragging a kicking, screaming child out of toy r us! i guess we'll see!
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