Wednesday, April 29, 2009

kate gosselin.... err, i mean shannon emrich ♥

well, here you go guys...
the moment you all have been waiting for.

i LOVE it as much on me as i do on the original!

not to toot my own horn...
but, the picture really doesn't do it justice.

so laura laura faye i guess we should get together real soon,
and sara i'm counting down the days till your arrival! (and not just so you gals can see my new doo)

this is the first hair cute in 9 years that i have gotten that my husbands reaction was "oh, i really like it"
usually it takes him a while to get used to my drastic hair style changes!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

sigh of relief...

i'm exhausted...
and so glad my beloved is home!

i know it was only a short 30 something hours he was gone.
but let me just say,
i never want to live this life without him!


Monday, April 27, 2009

adventurous day...

can i just say AHHHH....
one of those days for sure!

i once again scheduled a dr. appointment bright and early, and somewhat payed for it this morning as i ran around trying to get there on time!

but after, oh after....
i loaded the kids up in the car and headed off to sams club!
not for the usual shopping, no... today was extra special!
so special in fact that on the way there i explained to levi that we were going to see "mommy's version of mickey mouse".

if you know me well, you know that one of my most favorite shows in all the world is jon and kate plus 8.
and today i got to meet kate minus the jon and the 8.

she was having a book signing there and i dragged my 3 down and waited in the long yet quick moving line to meet her!
sadly, it became clear as we waited in line that she wasn't the most pleasant person in the world (but if you watch the show, i'm sure you would have thought that anyway). it was a brief moment but in those mere seconds when it was our turn she managed to tell levi she liked his hair and said "awe what cute girls"! and that's all it takes to make this girl a happy camper!

that about made my day for sure!

(please pay no attention to my lack of "getting done" i really was pressed for time this morning...
and on another side note... get a good look at kates hair, cause i'm about to copy the look, i LOVE it).

after we ran around town...
usual stuff.
yoder's produce, and the grocery store.
and a "quick" (wink, wink) stop at target.

if fact we got home in time for dinner and then baths...
and that's when it happened!

brian had got this medicated flea shampoo for the dog.
and wouldn't you know....
i gave my three little ones baths, got nataley out and started dressing her while levi and alivia played in the tub (seriously, inches away from me).
when i went back over to get alivia out i noticed way more bubbles in the tub. so many in fact, that levi was filling cups up with water and placing bubbles on the top "eating his ice cream" when i asked him how all the bubbles got there...
he handed me the empty bottle of flea shampoo and upon reading the back i saw it said...
"if inhaled or consumed contact poison control"
needless to say, i got my first (and hopefully last) exposure to my good old poison control pals.
and just my luck, it would have to be on a night when my handsome hubby is out of town!

on to what you all really care about.
nataleys 9 month

nataley faye:

weight: 19lbs 1oz

height: 27 1/2"

head circumference: 17 3/8"
(she is averaging around the 50%)

the saucers and bouncers are no longer good enough for her, she prefers to be crawling and working on her standing skills all the day long.

*her favorite activities include...
* shaking her head "NO" after i do it to her.
* eating real table foods
* she is pretty much obsessed with animals. even nanas huge lab, she will chase them around the house grabbing at fur.
* she won't sleep anywhere but her crib.
* she waves "hi" and goodbye"
she still is an all around joy to us. so good. but i know it won't be long now before she is running around with the wild bunch.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

spring time sniffles...

i'm counting down the days till the last day of school in hopes that we will indeed hit our last batch of colds, coughs, and fevers. it's funny cause in the last three rounds i keep thinking in my head "surely this has to be the end". i'm completely going off of what people tell me in my belief that it's the first year that they are in schools and such and then it gets better from there cause they have built up immunities.....

so, fingers crossed people!

i spent most of thursday and friday catching up on house work. it amazes me how much laundry there is to do when you get home from a little vacation.
and so yesterday i wanted to find something fun and outdoorsy to do. after much discussion and talk we ended up heading over to nana and papas house for the first real swim of the season. levi whined the whole way there saying things like "maybe i don't like swimming". but wouldn't you know it was mere moments after he got in that he realized that "maybe i do like swimming" and spent a good 3 hours plus in the pool with either me or my dad.
alivia, on the other hand reminded me much of levi at the beginning of last year. clinging to the side and grabbing on to me for dear life when i took her out to the middle of the pool. which gave me another great idea for the summer. i keep adding things to the list of activities.... gymnastics and soccer, a few museums, and a few theme parks.... and now i have decided that they will also be having a swimming instructor coming to the house and getting official swim lessons (which to live in florida, shame on me for waiting till now).

nataley faye proved to be a little fishy or in the words of alivia a "mermaid".... kicking, splashing and laughing away. she loves her big sissy and was reaching and kicking toward her way and spent a good deal of time sitting on the stairs with her. us gals got out before levi and papa were ready and were able to sneak in a little nap (myself included). there is nothing better in the world then what i like to call "sunshine" naps.
when you have spent all morning in the sun swimming, beaching or whatever and then go inside and take a good nap and you feel totally refreshed when you wake up.
i love em!

so, while the evening i had last night might have appeared a bit overwhelming....
with three sun baked, over tired, pre cold, cough and fever children. the relaxing day was well worth the exhausting night.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

the place where dreams really do come true...

disney world has been in my life as far back as i can possibly recall, and it has been an even bigger part of the world known as "brian and shannon".

it was the first real gift brian ever gave me, the place we first talked about making the "deal" of a life time, the place we would go and dream about our future with our "someday children", and the place we would run off to for a break when they became reality.

every time we go, for whatever reason it may be....
i take in every second, i watch the looks on my children's faces and i am in awe and amazed at their excitement. and somewhere, every time i am caught day dreaming what the next trip will be like.....
when we add one more, or when they are all little older and understand it all better, when they can go on the "big kid rides".
i just sit and think about what the future will hold for us.

i love disney world!
even though it is merely an hour away, it is my favorite vacation spot!
and i do believe i would pick it hands down to anywhere else.

the key things i want to remember from our trip this time...

* on the "long" drive as we approached the signs pointing to disney brian said "we are on the final stretch now" and levi started cry and shouted.... "daddy, NO you don't need to go home and stretch we need to go to disney world"

* the whole time we were there levi referred to the hotel as "our new big house".

*the tears that welled up in my eyes as i watched alivias fairy tale imagination come to life. she was amazed at everything, and literally twirled and sang with every step she took while we were there. she adored looking just like a princess, and lit up with every princess she got to meet.

* the terrified look on levis face during a bugs life ride when the egg corns came flying at him!...
note to self...
when they say it "may be scary for children", they really mean it!

*the way alivia lit up and blew kisses during the parade and when the characters would see her and blow kisses back.

*the fact that levis favorite thing is STILL riding on the "disney world school busses".
and his excitement when he got to meet "buzz and woody" and "lighting and mator".

we seriously had a fabulous time, and i already can't help but think about how it is going to be with my TWO little princesses next time!

Friday, April 17, 2009

the older then me man...

my handsome hubby turned 33 today...

i chuckle to myself cause i don't know that i will ever really feel old...
brian is so much older then me...
so i like to think i will always appear as though i am young at his side. ;)

we surprised him today at work with a monster truck cookie cake and some presents...
it was are very own, spur of the moment, surprise party with candles and everything.

alyson and i put trick candles on the cake, and levi got very frustrated when they wouldn't go out.

on a side note,
today at the mall when we were picking up the cookie cake i learned a very valuable lesson.
you see, i was about to park my van in a nice close vacant spot...
but as i approached it i realized why such a wonderful spot was left open. the truck next to it parked half in his spot half in the spot that i was wanting.
without so much as a thought i mumbled under my breath "what a dummy". here is the following conversation that took place in our car....

levi: "mommy, did i just hear you say dummy?"

mommy: (awkwardly embarrassed): "yes, levi i did."

levi: "miss donna (which is his preschool teacher) says that dummy isn't a nice word to say, maybe you should say "awe man" instead".

mommy: "you're right levi, i probably shouldn't have said that. i'm sorry.

i then drove past the spot again hoping to rectify the situation and said...

"awe man, that man parked like a dummy"....
not even thinking how i just said it again!

maybe i am in need of a mothering 101 class,
or possibly just a little break.

thank heavens disney is in "TWO more sleepings"!
by the way, brian already feels like he is on vacation, as you can see he stopped shaving yesterday. and (secretly) there is something kinda sexy about that!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

something creative...

if you were to ask me what i spent my evening doing tonight,

i would tell you i spent it doing this...

now back over to making the dress to match it...

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

mostly girly with a touch slimy...

where oh where does the time go?
this little girl is on the go, and into EVERYTHING these days!
barely pausing for a kiss, much less a "mommy photo shoot".

and have i told you lately how much i LOVE little girls?
nothing better then sisters, right?

don't worry...
i didn't forget about levi.
brian got our back yard fenced in last week, and he was far to busy "catching lizards and snails" to come pose for a picture...

which by the way,
is what he taking to school tomorrow for show and tell....
a bucket full of fresh slimy snails!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

resurrection day...

" Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ!
In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope
through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead"...
1 peter 1:3 (NIV)

thank you jesus for you mercy on us!

a friday that started off rather shaky ended up being the beginning a great family weekend.
surrounded by love, i see this simple life of mine is so blessed. words can't even describe it.
in the hurting of my heart i have learned the joy of my family. not that i didn't already know it...
but i see it now through different eyes. in kind words. caring hugs. smiles and laughs. god is just so good.
and what better day to be aware of his goodness then on the day we remember just how awesome he is.

alivia got VERY into coloring eggs this year. seriously, she cried on the last one. it was fun to watch her little mind work as she would decide what color she wanted what egg to be. she was patient while waiting for them to soak up their new tinge. and would look in amazement at their end beauty.
levi on the other hand.... well, he truly is a BOY!
every one he did was blue with his name written in big sloppy letters. thank heavens i bought two coloring kits because on his second egg the bright blue colored liquid spilt, running down the table onto his chair, down his legs, straight on my newly moped floor. honestly, life without my levi would be a bore!

i'm soo not into the easter bunny thing...
honestly, i don't really see the point or understand it. so i never really have pushed the idea onto the kids. but, somewhere levi picked up that the easter bunny was coming and insisted on leaving him some carrots (cause that's what he fed the bunnies at yoder's). and they woke up this morning bright and early for their easter basket surprises. they both got a kick out of their new swim suits and shades and can't wait to sport their new looks at disney next week. in their excitement i think i have decided that that will kinda be a traditionish type thing. swim suits. something point filled, that isn't sugar! :P

at the ripe old age of 2 and 1/2 alivia needs a lesson on etiquette...
in her sunday best tonight over at brians mom and dads house while mimi was reading the resurrection story alivia was sitting on her stool. and well, she must have thought her dress was in the way or something because right in the middle of it she stood up, pulled her pretty dress way up over her pot belly and then sat right back down, panties and plumbers butt for all to see....
it made the whole room laugh. so very stinking cute. i wish i would have pulled out the camera....

so i hope everyone had a great easter...
and in the wise words of my bright 3 year old...

today is the day jesus "jumped" right out of the grave!
thank you jesus for jumping...
and so much more!

Friday, April 10, 2009


little miss nataley faye has amazed me!

this girl is so happy i think it has made her a little slow to some milestones.
she just doesn't care. she is always happy wherever you put her and she doesn't bother or is ever even tempted to try and figure things out on her own it seems.

but today i heard her laughing away (as usual) after a nap...
i cracked the door open and there she was SITTING there all by herself with a huge grin on her face.

turns out she is a fast learner when she wants to be.
cause seconds later, when i laid her down to change her i got up to grab wipes and when i came back there she was again SITTING with a big grin.

and now....
for YOUR enjoyment

nataley faye sitting up all by herself. and the added bonus of her waving "hi" specially for you. ;)

Monday, April 6, 2009

a new day...

I was sure by now, God, that You would have reached down
and wiped our tears away,
stepped in and saved the day.

But once again, I say amen
and it's still raining.

As the thunder rolls
I barely hear You whisper through the rain,
"I'm with you"
and as Your mercy falls
I raise my hands and praise
the God who gives and takes away.

And I'll praise you in this storm
and I will lift my hands
for You are who You are
no matter where I am.

And every tear I've cried
You hold in your hand.
You never left my side,
and though my heart is torn
I will praise You in this storm.

(From the Casting Crowns song, "Praise You in this Storm.")

i copied this from mckmamas blog.
but it just kinda seemed fitting to me today too.

my big hearted husband has been...well, big hearted all weekend long. he's known when to stay quiet, when to talk, when to take the kids, when to send them over to me. i will say it again. he has been amazing. i love him so much!

he took us for an afternoon fishing experience. usually, he takes levi and livia and gives me a break so that i can spend some one on one time with nataley. but today we tagged along. and even though it started to poor mere moments after we got there, it was so nice to be surrounded by the people i love most in the world today.

new barbie fishing pole for alivia: $16.99

one small cup of night crawler worms: $2.95

filling up my gas tank (cause i always leave it on E so that brian can fill er up): $36.29

the freaked out expression on alivias face when she reeled up the tiniest fish,
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * and * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
the sight of all five of us drenched, sprinting to our car in the down pooring rain:


Friday, April 3, 2009


in my mind the last day and a half...
well, actually the last almost three weeks are as blurred as my vision is through my swelled eyes right now. i can't even believe i am forcing myself up out of bed to type this out. but, i want it to be remembered...
as fresh and new as it is this second in my head, without god's healing time altering my perception of how i feel this moment.

in his plan and in his purpose our unborn baby went home to be with his heavenly father this morning.
honestly, under the circumstances leading us to this path i thought i had prepared myself better for this day.
but i'm broken. i feel sad and incomplete.

here is what i know whole heartedly, and will never let go of....

god has a reason, he has a plan, he sees us, he loves us, he will heal and guide us. he will never leave us, and he will give us comfort.

i have never loved or been so happy to have married my husband as this day. in his state of shock he has been there. he has morned with me, he has held me, he has loved me, he has comforted me with words and gestures, and has shown compassion....
all while his heart has hurt and loss.
in his "not know what to do" state of mind he has done everything needing to be done. he is strong. and i am so blessed to travel this life with him as my partner.

somewhere in heaven our baby has a best friend. they will run the streets of haven never knowing pain, hatred, or evil. and somewhere in my heart i am comforted by that thought.

Philippians 4:4-9 (NIV)...

"4Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice!
5Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near.
6Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.
7And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

8Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. 9Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me—put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you."

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

krystal kay easter...

here are my favorite bunny pictures from krystal kay.

and solely for your entertainment...
here is one of my one and only with his bunny friend! :p