can i just say AHHHH....
one of those days for sure!
i once again scheduled a dr. appointment bright and early, and somewhat payed for it this morning as i ran around trying to get there on time!
but after, oh after....
i loaded the kids up in the car and headed off to sams club!
not for the usual shopping, no... today was extra special!
so special in fact that on the way there i explained to levi that we were going to see "mommy's version of mickey mouse".
if you know me well, you know that one of my most favorite shows in all the world is jon and kate plus 8.
and today i got to meet kate minus the jon and the 8.
she was having a book signing there and i dragged my 3 down and waited in the long yet quick moving line to meet her!
sadly, it became clear as we waited in line that she wasn't the most pleasant person in the world (but if you watch the show, i'm sure you would have thought that anyway). it was a brief moment but in those mere seconds when it was our turn she managed to tell levi she liked his hair and said "awe what cute girls"! and that's all it takes to make this girl a happy camper!
that about made my day for sure!
(please pay no attention to my lack of "getting done" i really was pressed for time this morning...
and on another side note... get a good look at kates hair, cause i'm about to copy the look, i LOVE it).
after we ran around town...
usual stuff.
yoder's produce, and the grocery store.
and a "quick" (wink, wink) stop at target.
if fact we got home in time for dinner and then baths...
and that's when it happened!
brian had got this medicated flea shampoo for the dog.
and wouldn't you know....
i gave my three little ones baths, got nataley out and started dressing her while levi and alivia played in the tub (seriously, inches away from me).
when i went back over to get alivia out i noticed way more bubbles in the tub. so many in fact, that levi was filling cups up with water and placing bubbles on the top "eating his ice cream" when i asked him how all the bubbles got there...
he handed me the empty bottle of flea shampoo and upon reading the back i saw it said...
"if inhaled or consumed contact poison control"
needless to say, i got my first (and hopefully last) exposure to my good old poison control pals.
and just my luck, it would have to be on a night when my handsome hubby is out of town!
on to what you all really care about.
nataleys 9 month
nataley faye:
weight: 19lbs 1oz
height: 27 1/2"
head circumference: 17 3/8"
(she is averaging around the 50%)
the saucers and bouncers are no longer good enough for her, she prefers to be crawling and working on her standing skills all the day long.
*her favorite activities include...
* shaking her head "NO" after i do it to her.
* eating real table foods
* she is pretty much obsessed with animals. even nanas huge lab, she will chase them around the house grabbing at fur.
* she won't sleep anywhere but her crib.
* she waves "hi" and goodbye"
she still is an all around joy to us. so good. but i know it won't be long now before she is running around with the wild bunch.