Wednesday, May 20, 2009

go ahead, let it rain...

i would never call myself a fan of the rain...

i get the fact that we need it...
but when it's gloomy outside i can't help but feel a bit gloomy myself.
(this is only true for the daytime. cause i LOVE to sleep when it's raining, thundering and lighting outside).

i'm sick of this rainy week. i feel cold and trapped.

the morning started out dreary but the sun peaked it's head through long enough for levi and alivia to splish and splash during "water day" at school. and then the murky skies returned.
(pictures to come... i forgot my camera and had to rely on kims).

when we got home i actually googled something to do with the kids inside our house. and the first thing that popped up was making your own playdough....

so, that's just what we did.
blue and purple to be exact.

and we had fun! the home made playdough quickly turned into pulling out all the store bought stuff.
we sat there making creations... rolling and cutting, this color and that color...
and the next thing i knew, we had been sitting and creating for over two hours.

so i guess what i'm getting at here is...
that although the rain isn't my favorite thing in the world, it really isn't so bad when it is accompanied by my favorite little hands and a bit of imagination!

nataley is FINALLY cutting her first tooth!
it's been there almost to the surface for months now....
but you can actually feel the ridges of it now! YEA for her! she won't be one and toothless after all!

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