Wednesday, March 4, 2009

dun dun duuun....

humiliated beyond belief...

at around 4:00 this afternoon i decided to make a quick run to the grocery store.

i have been really into cooking lately, and finding that i am not half bad at it. i've been on the search for good hearty meals that are fairly good for you and relatively quick to make. i'm almost the "queen of casseroles"... which is what my family loves!

i relish the satisfaction it gives me to not eat yoder's food. after all, yoder's has been such a huge part of my life over the last almost 10 years. and i have concluded to the fact that i have made myself a little too comfortable at the thought of just picking up supper there.

i spent most of the early morning while the kids were at school researching, and filling in my cookbook.... yes, it did have actual dust on it! sad!

i gathered up my list and off we went.

i could have avoided the whole situation had i not needed butter!
butter is bad!
for it was right next to the butter that levi's eyes came across a rather large man. and in that very moment my naive, innocent minded, and unknowing three year old pointed while shouting for all around us to clearly hear "mommy look... that man has a giant belly!!!" people looked... my face and most of my upper body quickly turned a beet red color. i could feel the heat from my complete and utter mortification rising all the way from my stomach pounding into my forehead.

what to do, what to do?
how do i fix this?
how can i make it right?

i quickly looked at the man... "i'm so sorry sir, we have not yet crossed this bridge"
he gave me a look as i wheeled both my carts away down to a more vacant isle.

i told levi to look me in the eyes and quietly explained....
"i'm not angry, i know you didn't know this... but, words can hurt people. and those were mean ones to say"
i explained to him that jesus made people in all colors, shapes and sizes and sometimes people forget that. and sometimes it hurts their feelings to hear that other people think that they are different.

i honestly still don't know if i handled the situation well, i was so taken completely off guard in the moment. it was just the first thing that popped into my head to say to him. i hope it taught levi some sort of lesson....
we all go through it or something like it right?

i know he is a good boy, with nothing but love (and energy) in his heart!

it would be just my luck though that i had to pass that man three other times while finishing my shopping!

onto this evening...

i guess today was all about levi learning lessons.

i made ham and cheese casserole for dinner tonight. alivia requested seconds.
levi is such a horrible eater these days, and i reached my limit of it this very night.

i put my foot down while he cried and shouted "i don't like that kind of ham... NOOOOO"
i made him sit at the table from 6:45 - 9:03, well pass bedtime. he watched his sisters go off to their slumber, still not budging from the plate of food. finally i told him (only because of school in the morning) he could go to bed and eat it tomorrow... but that he WOULD be eating nothing else until he at least tried a bite of the casserole. i told him there would be no story for him, and that he would not get his quiet TV time. finally after 15 more minutes of crying in his bed a puffy eyed boy came out of his room and said "i will eat my dinner now!"

score one for mommy!

argh... what a day, what a day!


Unknown said...

yay for mommy's winning that one!

and i have a story just like levi's w/ brayden. we were swimming at the Y (he was 2/5ish-3) and there was never anyone in the pool, just us and my bff and her 2 yr old. anyway, after toddler swim, is senior citizen swim...
...and an old man came in to sit and wait his turn. he had flippers already on his feet, the snorkle in his hand, and tight little speedos on his,
...brayden took one look and yelled...and you know how empty pools echo!..."mommy, that man--point--with the little underwear has a big baby in his belly!"

yes. that's my story.
wish i could say i was a better mom...but as i was hearing what he said, i dunked him. yep. put my boy right under the water around "biiiigg"...

...hope my social worker doesn't read this...yikes!

Jess said...

all the things i have to look forward to!!! i cannot wait!!!

Walking in the rain said...

it's good to be queen of something, even if it's just casseroles...welcome to the high rankings :)
and as for the Levi story...very handled that with much tact and gentelness. the verse comes to mind that says, "be wise as serpents and gentle as doves."

and meg, you're story is hilarious too!