Saturday, June 26, 2010

a prayer for my boy...

another year has come and gone, in the blink of an eye.
and in a few short weeks your "school years" will truly begin.

you're so much wiser then even one year ago.
always filled with questions, answering most yourself before i have a chance to reply.

busy being social, making new friends every where you go.
looking more and more like dad, but acting more and more like mom.

video games, swimming, transformers, and star wars...
obsessed with nature... bugs, and frogs, climbing every tree you pass by.
the typical joys of any 5 year old boys heart.

you're filled with love and kindness.
the leader of our bunch.
and quick to lend a helping hand.

your an organized mess.
love to sleep in.
and talk a million words a minute......... qualities you no doubt get from me! :)

never doubt how incredibly special you are to me,
or how blessed i feel to be your mama.

happy 5th birthday

you have filled my heart so greatly...
entrusting me with this most precious little boy, and i am just so thankful.

i pray that you bless his life more abundantly then you have blessed my own.
i pray that he grows up strong. that he has a heart full compassion and love like his daddy's.
that he turns to you when times are hard, and that he follows you still when his journey seems easy .
i pray that he is thankful every minute, and that he is quick to forgive.

i pray that you lead his paths, and your will be done with his life...
whatever your desire is, Lord.

that he always clings to truth, and the things that truly matter.
i pray that he blesses the lives of others, just as he has blessed mine.

i thank you for this boy!
i thank you.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

happy fathers day brian...

A truly rich man is one whose children run into his arms when his hands are empty.
~Author Unknown

words of affirmation have been running through my mind all day...
i was blessed so greatly the day i married you, much greater then i even realized that day.

you were and still are my most favorite friend,
and while that in and of it's self would have been more then sufficient...
you managed to surpass the joy you had already brought to my heart when God made you a daddy.

hard working, faith filled, and true.
you support, encourage, and care.
you love, you rejoice, you forgive.

God blessed me the day i married you....
and He blessed me even greater when He made you a daddy.

(the stepping stone we made for daddy, complete with snail shells around, the one thing the kids have fun doing together)