Wednesday, May 13, 2009

scent of summer...

i don't know what it is,
but i am so stinking excited for summer this year.
i think possibly because this is the first summer in 4 years with nothing holding me back. no job, no babies about to pop out. :)
nope, nothing. just me, my kids and the warm (HOT) sunshine.

such a strange concept to me, because i HATE florida summers.
way, WAY to hot for my liking.
but not this year... no, this year i am counting down the seconds for the official start.

and today...
well, today i got a first tiny glimmer of what the future sunshine days will hold.

while our sunny afternoon didn't go as planned,
it ended up being very relaxing.
wet and wild water fun turned into a stroll around the gulf and the distant sound of waves crashing and thunder rolling (with the occasional whine from levi as i made him stop and pose for pictures). the fountains were closed but that didn't stop us from having fun.

i can already tell that nataley is going to be a water baby. she kicks and splashes with big smiles and laughs. alivia is proving not to be so fond of water, and levi takes a while to warm up to it, but then i have a hard time getting him out.

a fine day indeed...
this is what summer days are made of!

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